Mobile Lead Generation


Today, consumers digest media differently. With their mobile device, they have more control than ever before. We know you need highly qualified leads. With pay-per-call mobile leads, you control your budget, by setting call duration goals.

Mobile Advertising Technology will enable you to:

  • Serve up ads compatible with various phones and tablets
  • Target users based on their location, search keywords, and behavior
  • Convert users while they’re on the go

How It Works

  1. Call To Action – consumers view and click your ad located on a mobile banner, mobile search, or a mobile app.
  2. Real-Time Delivery – consumers click-to-call your business
  3. Lead Qualification – your business qualifies the lead based on the call duration.

We connect consumers to advertisers directly via their mobile device. Your customers actively search and navigate the mobile web every day. We simply connect interested consumers with the exact businesses they’re looking for.

Why Mobile

  • 93% of all U.S. citizens have their mobile device 24/7
  • 95% of all consumers read their text message within 15 minutes of receiving it
  • More and more people are using their smartphones to run searches for a product or a business.

Advantages for Advertisers

Advertisers will benefit from the Private Network for linking their brand, message, or offers to thousands of premium publishers and verticals. You’ll be able to spot every click with our comprehensive tracking system and reach more consumers with your message that generates a lead/sale.