Mobile Fundraising

Mobile Fundraising is our fundraising tool that allows nonprofits to receive text donations of any amount that is a mobile web page or call center fulfilled and credit card collected. Unlike Text to Give, Mobile Pledging is available for nonprofits of any size. Whether your mobile fundraising campaigns are driven by word of mouth, social media, or large-scale marketing efforts, our fundraising provides cutting-edge mobile tools and services to engage new donors, reconnect with existing ones, and increase fundraising potential.

Mobile has generated a new way in fundraising, it allows you to engage with Alumni, Voters, target selected individuals, expand your database donor list, manage your database per transaction, better in raising funds in various amounts, and track results in real time.

  • Set up mobile pledging account for client
  • Enable them to set up mobile fundraising campaigns in seconds
  • Fulfill donations of ANY size
  • Does not require carrier approval
  • Text in or Click-to-call initiated
  • Call Center or Web fulfilled
  • No limit on donation size
  • Collect name, address, email, CC
  • Receive funds in 15 days from the end of the month not 90 days
  • Update opt-in donor lists
  • Request recurring

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